We want you to love your purchase from GATTA. If for any reason you're not entirely happy with your order, we're here to help.

You have ten (10) days from the delivery date to return or exchange your merchandise. To qualify for a return or exchange, your item must be in perfect, unused, and unaltered condition, with the original packaging intact including tags and dust bag. Please note that shipping, customs fees, and handling fees are non-refundable.

We know returning items can be a hassle, so we'll issue a pre-paid return label to make it easier for you. Please bear in mind that the cost of the pre-paid label will be deducted from your refund.

For international returns, please mark "Return" on the customs form to avoid any additional customs fees that may be incurred.

If you're returning an item because of a manufacturing defect, we'll happily exchange it for you within 20 days of the delivery date. If you prefer a refund instead of an exchange, the regular return policy applies. 

If we reship an item as a courtesy, the order is not eligible for a refund, only an exchange.

We understand that the holiday season can be hectic, so we're extending our return policy for orders placed between November 15th and December 25th until January 10th.

We'll process your refunds or exchanges as quickly as possible, and we appreciate your patience while we do so. Please allow 7-10 business days for us to complete your request after receiving your return.

Please keep in mind that GATTA Bag, LLC. reserves the right to deny a refund if the merchandise doesn't meet the return policy requirements. However, we'll do everything we can to make sure you're satisfied with your purchase.


For exchange or return, simply login to your account using the email on the order here.


Thank you for choosing GATTA Bag, LLC. We're committed to providing you with exceptional customer service and a positive shopping experience.

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Our Mission 

To create thoughtful and minimalist designs for the modern adventurer.